Christmas at the Klinglers' house this past week has been crazy but good. The whole family was in Utah, with a couple exceptions, for a family reunion. My father wasn't able to leave Oregon because he got stuck in one of the area's worst snowstorms ever, so Michelle and Peter brought their computer with webcam and we had a video call with him Christmas night.

I spent much of the week over at Mike and Megan's house, sleeping on their couch, helping with the kids and cleaning, and enjoying time with my family. Megan and Mike indicated that in many ways having me around was like having less extra people around because I helped them out so much.
When it came time to open Christmas presents, I was momentarily disappointed when I only received one package, but then I remembered
a) All the clothes given to and bought for me since I've arrived home,
b) The fact that my education is pretty much payed for for this next semester, and
c) The greatest (visible) gift this Christmas was being able to see almost all of my family and visit with them, whom I haven't seen for between two and five years.
The Lord has greatly blessed me this Christmas season.